Definition of Technology


Definition of Technology

Technology is a combination of technology, skills, processes, design, products, etc., that is specifically for creating instruments or tools or completing scientific research. It is a set of knowledge that is applied practically in creating, designing, and applying products for business, commercial, or everyday use.

We are surrounded by objects created with the help of specialized technology, that is, if we work, communicate, travel, do, protect data, do business, and almost everywhere. Most people use technology to simplify their work and also to expand their capabilities. It also ensures that various scientific problems are solved.

Key Differences Between Science And Technology

The following points explain the basic differences between science and technology:

Science can be defined as an organized way of gathering knowledge about a topic, through various observations and experiments. Technology is the practical application of the laws of science for a variety of purposes.

Science is just a process of studying new knowledge, but technology is applying scientific knowledge.

Science is very helpful in experiencing natural wonders and their causes. On the other hand, technology can be useful or harmful, that is, technology is both a blessing and a nightmare, so if used in the right way, it can help people solve a number of problems; however, if practices are misused, it can destroy everyone.


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